Today, i decided to scope out any new and weird news that is happening around the world. Therefore, i decided that checking out the tech pages at CNN.com was worth a look. Not suprised, i saw an article called 8 weird ways to save the Earth. This article was fascinating, because right off hand you are viewing a ship at see with 4 huge steam stacks that are designed for a greener function as opposed to burning fossil fuels. After reading this article, it reminded me of the class lecture that i listened in on that regarded new technologies that are changing the world. Granted most of the lecture was about cybernetic interfacing with biological subjects, but the idea of changing and advancing towards a new frontier of science and technology peaked my interest. This article goes on to demonstrate technologies in developement to help the world "go green" such as: space frisbee deflectors, carbon sucking machines, and ocean seedings. These are all very cool idea that are being developed, and i hope to see more ideas such as these become real in the near future.
This planet needs to go green. I believe that the root of all the problems come from money glutton buisness men who seek to gain a cheap profit from any source of income they can tap. The earth is suffering as a result of this. Change is needed. Change will come.
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