I have finally decided what exactly i would like to do for my presentation that is due in my emerging tech class. This idea is something that i hope to be innovative, and so new that a rare group of people are the ones who would think of this. My idea happens to be about the brain and dieting. The brain runs basically on electric impulses produced by the brain. These same signals used in the brain and the rest of the body, are carried by the same electric impulses. The idea is that i want to come up with a technology that focuses on the areas of the brain or the impulses that tell the brain that it is eating, tasting a certain food, or is full. I want to do this because it can help people who struggle with diets, and want something that can benefit them in the long run. I believe that this idea will be painless and most importantly, safe. If i can get enough of this idea into a plausible idea, i would also consider taking it to a company to pitch or research! Wish me good luck, because i will need it as i present my poster for those who come to see my classes ideas this upcoming week!!